She wants you to tell her, oh mama mia what cool curves! (video)
“Come up and see me come hard” (video)
22/03/2024Que della pongo, I put it on you, I put it on you (video)

What's up, guys? We're having a blast? Did we dance to the rhythms of the carnival? Did we move to the rhythm of Que della pongo again this year? Also, did we listen to our own carnival tunes? Those foul-mouthed songs that Domna Samiou left us as a legacy. Like "A Cunt is Played", "The Cunt's Name is Yota", "A Cunt in the Cherry Tree". You see, carnivals are phallic celebrations, full of phallic symbols, and vulgar, vulgar language comes and goes. Why am I saying this? Because the famous Latin ditty is full of sexual innuendo. By the way, have you ever wondered what the words of the chorus mean: "Que te la pongo, que te la pongo, Que te la pongo, te la pongo ya - Que te la pongo, que te la pongo, Que te la pongo y no lo sentirás"? Let's go for translation. So it says, "I put it on you, I put it on you, I put it on you, and I put it on you already - I put it on you, I put it on you, I put it on you, and you don't even feel it." Don't get your mind on the sly as it says I'm putting a happy ditty on your pickup.
Que della pongo and you don't even feel it
Because imagine if the lyrics said I put it on you (not the ditty, but the other one, the marco) and you don't even feel it. Well, that would be a sin, a complete disgrace to the male species. But here we have a woman, a cunt, so to speak, on Halloween, who feels everything she puts in her, she feels it for real. This is Allice Kelly, the porn star from Russia, who only does solo sex and boy/girl scenes, but no anal. Anyway, here we see her alone, stroking her nipples with her makeup brushes, getting incredibly aroused and very puffy. Of course, we also see her firm, luscious tits (the video is from SEX ART). I wonder who wouldn't want a pussy like that (I'm talking about Halloween) to dance Que della pongo with in bed?