Natália Preis: Είναι προικισμένη και είναι η absolut beauty.
She is the absolut beauty with delicious tits
Kitana Lure: Το γουστάρει κάθε μέρα και τουλάχιστον ride 5 φορέ.
She likes to ride 5 times a day back and forth (video)
Natália Preis: Είναι προικισμένη και είναι η absolut beauty.
She is the absolut beauty with delicious tits
Kitana Lure: Το γουστάρει κάθε μέρα και τουλάχιστον ride 5 φορέ.
She likes to ride 5 times a day back and forth (video)

Olga Farmaki showed it all to Nitro in 2008

Το κέρατο που έχει φάει η Ολγα Φαρμάκη

Greek women are ladies and here we have one of the most impressive ones to have passed through showbiz, Olga Farmaki. Who is a former model, presenter, radio producer, singer and dancer. While today, at the age of thirty-nine, she is an entrepreneur and runs Kisterss, a fashion website with her sister. Since 2005, she started working as a model and in 2006 she took part in the Playmate of the year competition where she reached the final six. After two years, she accepted an offer to do a nude photo shoot for Nitro. As soon as the magazine was released it became a hit, as everyone wanted to see Olga's naked body. She showed the male population her luscious breasts with round nipples and her alabaster butt. But let's see what she said about sex and men in her interview. "If they gave an Oscar in sex I would get a directing award, since I like to set up kinky sets. But definitely not performance, since I never pretend."

The horn that Olga Farmaki has eaten

Then she made her complaint, saying: "I know people think I can make men do whatever I want. But in reality I've really suffered a lot. So I've had my horns well and truly eaten." She also said of sex: "It really gets on my nerves when the other guy on top of sex tells me imperatively: Bend over, turn over, shut up, turn over and all that. I wonder how he'd feel if I told him the same thing." She was still talking about the rumors about her relationships: "If a tenth of the rumours about me were true about how many guys I've been with and how much money they've spent on me... Then at this moment I could have easily bought Chelsea, along with Abramovich." Finally he was saying that: "In five years' time I aim to be a minister. Like that Italian model chosen by Berlusconi'. Nice words, but it is better to see Olga Farmaki naked.


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