“My feet play the majestic footjob” (video)
She says save your kisses for me all over your body (video)
07/02/2025The hot and crispy body of a fiery saniola

This is a body we're talking about. A model body, the kind you see and get dizzy, the kind you can't find a flaw in. We're talking about a hot and crispy body. Because, okay, I'm not saying, curves are good, boobs are good, boobies are good, but... But also those bodies, the lithe ones that don't have a trace of unnecessary flesh on them, they're something else. A trip with your hand on them lifts you up. Especially when it's a six-foot body, the trip lasts longer and becomes more enjoyable. Now you'll tell me what got me... But look what I found, here, look what your eyes see on the body of this fiery rarity... Who is she? But the six-foot-two (1.77) Alba Clave Guerra, the international model from Spain, who lives and works in Barcelona. Of course, she travels everywhere where there's a living wage. But her home base is in Catalonia. Don't tell me it's not love at first... bite? I mean, with the eroticism, the passion she exudes, she's the ultimate heartbreaker, the most dangerous seductress. From her blue eyes flow lust and pleasure.
A hot and crispy saniola
But it's not just her very pretty face and eyes. Just look at her spilled legs and you'll be devastated. Even if you're not a foot fetish, with those thighs, calves and feet, you're instantly turned on! Here, we see Alba Clave in a set for some artist photographer, which oozes sensuality. She shows us her breasts, which are big enough to stand in harmony with her body. She also shows us her nipples, which are perky. We get to see little of her butt, as she doesn't turn her back and is wearing a one-piece swimsuit, so we are left to fantasize. As well as she doesn't open her legs to show her... bush. She only pulls her robe aside so we can see that she's shaved. Anyway, she's a hot little sanyola, hot and crispy.