“I can imagine about you putting your hand on me” (video)

If she sees you and you click, then she can go home and fill her mind with very spicy fantasies about you. Because that's exactly what females do. As they bring your image in front of them and take matters into their own hands. Immediately they make up a script and fingers slip, slowly, between their legs. Sophie (you can find her HERE) does exactly the same thing. Only she's made a profession of it and it's made with your fantasies. Which if they're to her taste, get her horny and fill the room with sensual moans. It's all shown by this woman, on whose lap... lads are slaughtered. Those lads who adore ample flesh, lush curves. Who like bodies that are full of grip. So this woman fantasizes about you standing next to her and putting your hand on her. First she imagines you groping her big, luscious tits. Squeezing them in your palms and sucking her nipples into your mouth.
She's inside your head and she knows a lot about you
Then she imagines you rubbing against her rump and she feels how hard you're getting. Because she knows how hot her chubby ass makes you. She also dreams that you're stroking her fluffy thighs that are full of soft flesh. She also gets a hard-on in her head as she thinks about you spreading her legs and putting your hand on her. What drives her crazy is that she imagines you opening her plump lips and your fingers and tongue touching her clit. That's what the woman wants and when she's done she opens the gates of... heaven. Which are none other than her fleshy lips, her mouth. She knows that's what you expect from her and she gives it to you with all her soul. She even tells you that you don't have to ask her for anything, because she knows what males want. Much more than that,