Forget fitness games and look at the boobs (video)

Η πίεση πέφτει χαμηλά ακόμα και χωρίς fitness games, βλέποντας βυζιά.

I'm not saying exercise boosts our immune systems, but what about all of us who hate the gym and fitness games? Don't worry, science has solutions for everything these days. Which science spent five years studying it and found the solution, combining the good with the bad. So what did the Germans discover in their study (New England Journal of Medicine). That the health of males improves significantly if they see a few minutes a day of bare breasts. As they say, if they see tits for ten minutes a day, it's equivalent to thirty minutes of aerobic exercise. What findings did scientists gather from watching men who saw boobs every day? That they had lower blood pressure and lower heart rates, thus reducing their risk of coronary heart disease. So what are we doing today? We're watching Titty Drop from twelve females who care about our health. Who show off their boobs, Some big, some adorable with their nipples, some puffy, some hard as a roc.

I'm not saying exercise boosts our immune systems, but what about all of us who hate the gym and fitness games? Don't worry, science has solutions for everything these days. Which science spent five years studying it and found the solution, combining the good with the bad. So what did the Germans discover in their study (New England Journal of Medicine). That the health of males improves significantly if they see a few minutes a day of bare breasts. As they say, if they see tits for ten minutes a day, it's equivalent to thirty minutes of aerobic exercise. What findings did scientists gather from watching men who saw boobs every day? That they had lower blood pressure and lower heart rates, thus reducing their risk of coronary heart disease. So what are we doing today? We're watching Titty Drop from twelve females who care about our health. Who show off their boobs, Some big, some adorable with their nipples, some puffy, some hard as a rock.

The pressure drops low even without fitness games

Είναι ευλογημένα τα θηλυκά που εκτίθενται στη globoσφαιρα, βγάζοντας τα απόκρυφά τους σε κοινή θέα. Μόνο ως θεάρεστη χαρακτηρίζεται η πράξη τους. Καθώς μας ρίχνουν την πίεση και ταυτόχρονα μας ανεβάζουν κάτι άλλο. Βέβαια, μερικές φορές τα θηλυκά αυτά τα χαρακτηρίζουμε ως πρόστυχα, ως τσούλες. Αλλά, μηδέν παρεξήγηση, καθώς εμείς χρησιμοποιούμε την καλή έννοια των λέξεων. Αρα, ξεχνάμε γιατρούς και πιεσόμετρα και πάμε για το γιατρικό μας, Αυτό το οφθαλμόλουτρο, το καθημερινό είναι τα φάρμακό μας. Επειδή δε, βλέποντας τα βυζιά, θα καυλώσουμε κι’ όλας, που ξέρεις; Μπορεί και η καύλα να ρίχνει κάτι άλλο, όπως χοληστερίνες και τριγλυκερίδια. Αντί λοιπόν για το γυμναστήριο, παίρνουμε τον καφέ μας και καθόμαστε μπροστά στον υπολογιστή μας. Τα πάντα όλα βλέπουμε, καθώς κάποια από τα θηλυκά μας δείχνουν και άλλα πράγματα. Οπως τον κώλο τους, το μουνί τους. Προσοχή, όμως, μην πάθουμε υπόταση! Αρχίζει, λοιπόν η γυμναστική, χωρίς fitness games.


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